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Become a BGA Member

Start Your Membership Today

Enjoy the team spirit that a golf membership provides? With the BGA membership you can enjoy the benefits that the BGA membership offers.

Membership Benefits

BGA Membership is open to all golfers. Golfers that join the BGA have access to invaluable resources that allow them to advance their knowledge of the game and numerous opportunities to play in both competitive and fun, casual events. By becoming a member, you will be joining a community of golfers who all have one thing in common: a passion for the game of golf.

Tournament Events

Golf Coaching

Social Events

Rules & Regulations

Give the gift of a Golf Membership

BGA Membership is an ideal gift for any golfer at any skill level. By giving a Gift Membership you are supporting the values of the BGA and the preservation of the game. Each membership comes with benefits and opportunities - Give the gift that for the golfer in your life.

Gift a Membership


P.O.Box 149W, Worthing Christ Church
Barbados, BB 15000

Phone No:

Mobile Phone: (246) 836.9969
